Super Nintendo entertaining system (SNES), timeless!

Wed, Sep 9th 2015, 09:47:26

If you don't know jet, at the beginning Nintendo was a Kyoto-based card maker company, they try with the instant rice, with taxis even with love hotels. In 1980 Mr Gunpei Yokoi, the father of the Game&Watch, was travelling on a train wen he saw a bored man playing with a portable LCD calculator, this gave Mr Gunpei the idea of the first portable LCD video game and soon the first Game&Watch became a reality. The gold era of Nintendo was starting. After a huge list and versions of the Game&Watch, in 1983, Nintendo released the Famicom, which would take the market by storm, there was no mercy and Nintendo's console crush its competitors, in somehow with this console Nintendo defined the video games. 


Game&Watch, Famicon, Game boy ... Nintendo was doing pretty well, but was in the early 90's when Nintendo hit the spot with the release of their new console, the Super Family Computer System (AKA Super Famicom) also known as Super Nintendo entertaining system, "SNES".


49.10 million units sold all over the world, you can add the sales of the Sega's Dreamcast and Microsoft's Xbox and you'll be not even close. The best selling game? you right, one of the greatest games of all time, Super Mario World, 20.60 million sells. SNES had the finest variety of video games, EVER! If you take a look to Nintendo's SNES game library you'll find may of the greatest video games of all time, not just for one generation but for ALL TIME, you don't believe me? Super Mario World, check! Street fighter 2, check! Chrono trigger, check! Mortal Kombat, check!  Final Fantasy III, check! Zenda, a link to the past, check! Super Metroid, check! and the list goes on and on. 


"Sword & Sworcery 2011"

The big N did a pretty good job and you can say that SNES still reigns supreme, if we take a look to the NES it is just too old and the N64 has ugly blocky polygons, but SNES is in that perfect middle point, take a look to nowadays indie games developers, many of them are trying to reproduce that sweet timeless look of the SNES, the reason is simple, it just works!  

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