Detective Conan, or Case Closed is a highly popular manga/anime series known by practically any Japanese person out there, fan or not. It is a detective series about a young, high school detective named Jimmy Kudo (in the English series). Jimmy later adopts the name "Conan Edogawa" to protect his identity after transforming into his younger self, hence "Detective Conan." The realistic, action packed mystery series of Case Closed will always keep you begging for more. Today we at J-Subculture would like to show you some of the Detective Conan goods we have to offer: introducing Detective Conan dolls!
They are chibi-sized versions of your favorite Case Closed charatcers! Besides Conan, we have a Ran doll, Ai doll, and even a Gin doll! The dolls are perfect to collect and display. If you're a fan of the Case Closed series, then seeing these dolls every day is certain to bring a smile to your face!
There are also these dolls on auction. Aren't they adorable? They are ultra chibi versions of Case Closed charatcers lying flat on their stomachs! They are in a kawaii position that will always bring you happiness. Stack them together for a fun display, or have them all in a row in a neat collection!
Solve mysteries together with Detective Conan!
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Blast Off To PNF-404!
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